As the epidemic situation became insipid, more and more entrepreneurs began to be impatient to start their own businesses, and gradually began to find suitable project investments in the market and set up their own companies. Against this background, the market demand for office furniture in Shenzhen began to increase, and more and more projects began to start. Here, the Shenzhen office furniture editor reminded all bosses not to place separate orders when purchasing office furniture in Shenzhen, Many bosses may think that it is more cost-effective to purchase office chairs from office chair factories and panel type office furniture from panel type factories. In fact, this is not the case. Next, let the office furniture editor in Shenzhen analyze it for you.


Customized Office Furniture Project in Shenzhen


In recent years, with the development of the Internet in the market, we often hear the words “source factory”, “manufacturer direct sales”, “no middleman earns price difference”, and all think that choosing the source factory to customize and purchase office furniture may get the maximum discount. This idea should be the idea of most people, but in fact it is not the case, because you should understand that even factories will not lower the price for retail, Because the factory is mainly engaged in wholesale, if the price is set too low, it will offend its distributors. Therefore, even if consumers directly find the factory to place an order, they will not get much cheaper, because the cheaper price is based on the establishment of production cooperation.



So if you are a strategic partner to pick up the goods, you can get a lower price. This is why the small editor of Shenzhen office furniture has always advised you not to place separate orders. If the amount of separate orders is too large, the Shenzhen office furniture manufacturer will not pay too much attention to you. Neither the service provider nor the price concessions can get the best, However, if you directly place an order with a Shenzhen office furniture manufacturer, their profits are guaranteed due to the large amount of the order. On this basis, negotiations can often obtain a lower quotation scheme. The advantage of one-stop customized office furniture procurement is that it can quickly complete the implementation of customized office furniture projects at a lower price.

Post time: Nov-16-2022